Peter Wood
Peter Wood

1.Britannia Two Step 3-44
The Alexandria Reel/A. Rankine
The Berwickshire Volunteers/Trad
Edmond MacKenzie of Plockton/A. Rankine
2.Fishy Medley 3-18
The Boys of Bluehill/Trad
Bobby Dunlops Jig/Trad
The Inside Oot Fish Eater/P. Wood
3.Scottish Waltz 3-12
Lovely Stornaway/C. Kennedy
Westering Home/H. Roberton
The Northern Lights/M. Webb
4.Military Two Step 2-28
The Teddy Bears Picnic/J. Braton
5.Kilt Swingers 2-36
The Royal Mile/K. McKellar
The Tartan/K. Mckellar
6.The Dasher 3-37
The Dashing White Sergeant/ Original
Lord Randolph’s Bride/Trad
Zander (Shetland)/P.Wood
7.The Year 2000 2-28
Harald Maddadsson’s Two Step/P. Wood
8.Braw Waltzes 3-01
Margaret’s Waltz/P. Shaw
Luna’s Waltz/P. Wood
9.Down Under Marches 3-35
Waltzing Matilda/B Paterson
Along the Road to Gundagai/J. O’Hagan
South Australia/Trad
Click go the Shears/Trad
10.Spey and Road 2-45
The Music of the Spey/J. Skinner
Calum’s Road/D. Shaw
11.Scandinavian Style Waltz 2-40
Duggie’s Waltz/P. Wood
12.Aussie Pipe Horpipes 2-53
Acid Piper/M. Saul
The Blair Highlanders/M. Saul
Young Guns/M. Saul
13.Border Waltz 2-31
Willie Snaith of Hexham/Sir J. Shand
14.Tango Time 2-53
Por Una Cabeza/C. Gardel
15.Lovely Air 2-41
Marie Mackenzie’s Welcome to Caberfeidh/K. MacKenzie
16.Round and Round 3-40
Circassion Circle/Trad
JT’s Reel/P. Wood
The Libraeian/P. Wood
17.Scottish Italian Waltz 3-38
Roamin Glens/P. Wood
18.Irish Polkas 2-48
Jer the Rigger/Trad
Dark Girl/Trad
Mike Coen’s/Trad
19.Norske Barn Dance 3-14
You’re a Star, Mrs Hibbert!/P. Wood
20.Reels To Be Sure 4-30
The Green Fields of America/Trad
The Ships Are Sailing/Trad
Dick Gossips Reel/Trad
Cooley’s Reel/Trad
Peter Wood -accordions, piano/bass and drums
Thanks to Tom Cruickshank (The Squeeze Box Shop) for the use of the Alessandrina Celt accordion on tracks 2, 8, 9,10, 12, 18.